
Have a Truly Memorable Winter Vacation

winter vacation Heliskiing in BC is an exciting sport in an incredibly beautiful place that allows daring, experienced skiers and snowboarders to experience challenging — but safe — ski slopes with fresh, deep powder snow. Small groups of adventurers are transported to choice slopes by helicopter so that they may enjoy skiing or snowboarding on the highest peaks in British Columbia in an area larger than the Swiss alps.

Bella Coola Valley is part of the ancestral lands of the Nuxalk indigenous people. They proudly maintain a strong presence as the largest cultural group of residents in the valley and share their culture with the visitors to this lovely area. Skiing, tourism, fishing and ski movies are the primary businesses of this area. The Incredible Hulk (in a 2008 movie) escaped to Bella Coola as Bruce Banner to enjoy the tranquil setting.

Warm, moist air blowing ashore provides a constant supply of powder snow on a stable snow pack. The expert guides always know the best places for heliskiing and snowboarding with stable snow, often providing chest deep powder snow. If you are used to skiing the well-packed snow of most commercial ski slopes, you will not believe the thrill of skiing through fresh powder snow. The first time you walk through powder snow is surreal. Powder snow is like fine eider down, it just flows out of your way.

The average snow base in the skiing area around Bella Coola runs 20 to 30 feet with terrain ranging from a wetter costal area to a drier inland area. The result is good snow that is available during most weather conditions, even during the summer when good fishing conditions are available in the valley. Bella Coola one of the most easily accessible heliskiing destinations in the world and has some of the most exciting slopes that most skiers would dare to ski, with vertical descent reaching as much as 6000feet. Bella Coola Heli Sports, the newest addition to the Magnificent Seven, provides the experience of a lifetime for adventurers.

The limited number of people skiing Bella Coola means that guests will always have pristine slopes for skiing or snowboarding. This area is for well-conditioned, experienced skiers. The slopes have not been machined into well-planned ski runs. They are natural and the area just happens to have an abundance of natural runs that offer true excitement to skiers who have the experience and athletic ability to enjoy the real thing. The knowledgeable and experienced heliskiing guides will take you to slopes in good condition that suit your needs and skills. Heliskiing in BC will give almost anyone one of the most memorable vacations of their life.

Author Bio:

Brandon Donnlings has been an avid fan of winter sports – and an amateur skier himself! – for as long as he can remember, and loves to blog about his latest adventures and exploits. While recently searching for new, exciting outdoor adventures, he discovered Bella Coola Heli Sports, and has been obsessed with heli skiing ever since. He highly recommends http://www.bellacoolaheliskiing.com to anyone looking for a truly exciting winter adventure, and encourages you to check out these Bella Coola heli skiing videos if you’re in need of more convincing about the uniqueness of this sport.

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